Radio Historical Drama : Gunpowder, Treason & Plot
First broadcast by the BBC on 1st November 1980 The Discovery of the Gunpowder Plot and the Taking of Guy Fawkes (c. 1823) by Henry Perronet Briggs . In the Public Domain, courtesy of 'Wikipedia' At time of writing the Play is available to Listen Here UPDATE The Play has been removed from Youtube but now available here, Michael Bully 16th October 2022. Internet Archive 'Gunpowder, Treason & Plot; Radio Drama, was part of the 'Saturday Night Theatre' series, written by A.J.Walton, with Michael Spice, Christopher Scott and John Moffat. Produced by Margaret Etall. Said to be influenced by Francis Edwards 'The True Story of the Gunpowder Plot' ( 1969). A description of the play read .... But what if the legend is based on a deliberate plan to deceive the country and discredit the Catholics? Why Guy himself was a vol...