Featured Novel 'Weave a Web of Witchcraft' -Jean M Roberts
'Weave a Web of Witchcraft ' is a kindle novel by Jean M. Roberts, available via Amazon and also 'Kindle Unlimited' . Recreating a documented case of one Hugh Parsons living in Springfield , Massachusetts from 1645-1651. Hugh ends up being committed and sent for trial on a charge of witchcraft . His wife Mary, is one of his main accusers. Mary in turn gets charged with the murder of one of their children. It has been a great pleasure to ask a few questions view email to Jean in respect of her book. I gave 'Weave a Web of Witchcraft ' a glowing review on 'Amazon Co. UK' and 'Goodreads' : Thought this was marvellous. Fair to state that is psychological horror fiction , though based on trial dispositions, concerning Hugh and Mary Parsons in Springfield , Massachusetts..... The book is not study of dramatic claims of possession like Salem in 1692 or and the story does not draw on heavy occultism. And that probably adds to the book's power. It ...