Review 'Charles I Executioners' by James Hobson

Civil War, Regicide, & The Republic Author James Hobson has written such works as ''Dark Days of Georgian Britain', 'Following in the Footsteps of Oliver Cromwell'. and 'The English Civil War Fact and Fiction'. Mr Hobson runs an author's website called about 1816 . The site is worth a look, showing Mr Hobson's interest in less obvious aspects of the 17th century, The Regency , 18th century and Victorian times. Just the list of blogs that he follows is quite intriguing. Certainly rate this book highly. Some background knowledge to the British Civil Wars would be helpful, but not essential to get maximum benefit from it. The trial, sentencing, and execution of a reigning monarch was unprecedented in Britain's history, and the author has made a worthy contribution in our attempt to grasp what actually happened. Have to agree with the author's over...